17 January 2016


Hello from the other siiiiideee (of the screen)! Yes, I have been away for a while but new year is the best time for a come back, and I couldn't be more excited. I know I'm a bit late for all the new year related posts, but it's fine. This whole blogging thing always goes very early! Anyways,  I think I should start with my new year's resolutions... Well, I'm not the best at making goals and sticking to them, I don't know if you remember that time I tried doing it monthly and I failed... However, I will try (again) and see if this year I can achieve them all:

1. Learn how to make decisions: I'm the most indecisive person in the world and whenever I have to choose something (even if it's something as simple as: what do I eat?) I don't know what to pick and I become really nervous.

2. Think before I speak: it's a mistake I have to change. It's not that I don't think at all, but sometimes I say things that may offend people and I regret it. The resolution would be to choose wisely my words so I can control what I say.

3. Stop apologizing when it's not necessary: I constanlty say "sorry" or "forgive me" for no reason and I want to stop that because it seems as if I was a very insecure person and besides, I don't like people who do the same.

4. Exercise twice a week... I'm not going to say anything about this one because it's the typical fitness goal that appears in everybody's resolution list. Let's hope I can make it, it's pretty realistic isn't it?

5. Post once a week: (from now on) I'm still a student so I don't have much time to dedicate it to my blog. Since it's something I really enjoy I've decided to continue posting regularly. 

I think what happens to me is that I set up unrealistic goals for myself, therefore I can't accomplish them, so this year I tried to make them more realistic, if that makes sense. I will also try to make monthly/three months goals (mainly with blogging but also other stuff) to keep track of my process and stay motivated.

organisation layout with iphone and journal

At the beginning of this year I was in Ireland, a place that brings me the nicest memories ever. What else can I ask for? 2016 has been great so far, it can only get better. I wish you all an amazing year and I'll see you around :) xxxx

PS: I wanted to thank all the people that has read the blog during my absence, The number of views has been great guys! Thank you so much.

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