If you would like to read how some teenager tries to fix the world you’ve come to the right place. 

I write about feminism (plus other social issues), interior design is also one of my passions, you’ll find posts related with books and photography, maybe lifestyle as well… This is a place full of surprises! Since writing is one of my biggest hobbies, starting a blog seemed a great idea. I also found interesting the fact of getting myself out there, sharing my thoughts on stuff and seeing what people think. Someday you may find a book written by me, who knows.

My name is(n’t) Cecile Vedemil and I was born in midsummer. I live for doughnuts, pop-corn, pasta, cheese and mango ice-cream. I enjoy writing (I’ve already said that), reading (specially when I'm on the train), listening to people talking about things they love, taking pictures, travelling by plane very early in the morning… Although I'm a blondie I'm not (to) stupid. I’ve always wanted to have long and deep talks with someone at 3am on a rooftop, but I live in a flat and there’s a patio on the highest floor, plus, I think it’s illegal… 90% of my brain is filled with song lyrics and the other part is empty.

I wear a gray scarf for the whole winter and even though I'm pretty old, I still sleep with my teddy bear, which is actually a sheep. I really like the whole "badass" lifestyle, but I'm such a good girl who never breaks the law, I need to work on that and become a wild child.


  1. I am in love with you blog!! Everything that you write is just soo interesting and I enjoy reading your content :D

    Nicole | theabstrusemind.blogspot.co.uk

    1. Hello Nicole! THanks for your lovely comment :)

      xx Cecile
